Choosing webhosting is an extra job just to determine your business. Not only has the price of the main targeted, but of course the capabilities of the hosting itself. Since by choosing hosting means you submit all your online business to the company's hosting provider. So one vote could be fatal for you. Some tips that I can recommend is in addition to price, space is also bandwidth given the following important things that can be taken into consideration:
- IP address, find web hosting that provide unique IP addresses to their customers, it is useful to minimize the risk of spamming the search engine by another web site if your IP address on the share. Can imagine other people doing the follow to your disadvantage.
- Downtime, this is useful for visitors and prospective customers satisfied, you can visit your site for 24 / 7 without interruption.
- Log files, RAW format that is useful to be given access to the log file to optimize your web pages later.
- Cpanel,Useful in treating facilitate your work and build your site is.
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